Dr. Bruchalski Speaks Out: Infertility

This timeless piece by our founder Dr. John Bruchalski is a wonderful overview of why infertility is not a cause for despair. With several miraculous stories, advice when a miracle doesn’t come, and an overview of ethical concerns with IVF, Dr....

What Love’s Got to Do With It

What Love’s Got to Do With It We initiated August’s Friday Features, themed to the topic “Love, Marriage, Chastity” with some thoughts of our own. Each of us, in his/her life, has loved a multitude of things, a multitude of times, in a multitude of ways. We’ve...

Unraveling the Baseball: The Marriage Baseball Connection

Unraveling the Baseball What has been called the U.S. national pastime is an outdoor game called baseball. It evolved in the mid-19th century from an English game called “rounders.” When baseball’s basic rules were set in 1845, the smaller, hard “baseball” after which...